Hundreds of years ago, humans evacuated from Earth (known as "Earth Zero") and settled on new life-supporting worlds in various star systems. These star systems are connected by a vast network of manmade wormholes known as "tunnels." In addition, the hyperspace Net allows instantaneous communication across the galaxy. The wealthier star systems - also those with the most access to tunnels - formed the Interstellar Confederation and live in peace. The more far-flung systems, characterized by poverty and lack of order, are collectively known as the Fringe.
The Republic of Kydera
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
The most powerful of the IC systems, consisting of seven inhabited planets. The system's seat of government is on Kydera Major, which is also Jane and Devin's homeworld. Kydera Major hosts the headquarters of the Interstellar Confederation and a number of powerful corporations. The planets in the Kyderan system are, in order of orbit:
Home to many research and development firms. Yemico also has a space habitat under its jurisdiction, called Yemico Float
Kydera Major and Kydera Minor (double planets)
Kydera City, on the Lyrona continent of Kydera Major, serves as the star system's seat of government. In addition, it is the cultural and financial center of the Republic of Kydera. The city hosts the headquarters of the Interstellar Confederation and a number of corporations. These headquarters are part of the wealthy urban zone known as the Silk Sector. At the edge of the city is the less fortunate Outer Zone.
Myretta and Keptella (double planets)
A sparsely populated planet, Dalarune primarily serves as a retreat for those who need a break from their hectic lives. The largest and most well known retreat facility is run by the Via. To ensure peace and tranquility, those who come to the retreat are not to be contacted under any circumstances.
Nicknamed "The Orphan Planet," Ibara is the home of numerous orphanages, schools, and organizations that care for underprivileged children. Most, but not all, of these organizations are faith-based, run by the Via.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
The most powerful of the IC systems, consisting of seven inhabited planets. The system's seat of government is on Kydera Major, which is also Jane and Devin's homeworld. Kydera Major hosts the headquarters of the Interstellar Confederation and a number of powerful corporations. The planets in the Kyderan system are, in order of orbit:
Home to many research and development firms. Yemico also has a space habitat under its jurisdiction, called Yemico Float
Kydera Major and Kydera Minor (double planets)
Kydera City, on the Lyrona continent of Kydera Major, serves as the star system's seat of government. In addition, it is the cultural and financial center of the Republic of Kydera. The city hosts the headquarters of the Interstellar Confederation and a number of corporations. These headquarters are part of the wealthy urban zone known as the Silk Sector. At the edge of the city is the less fortunate Outer Zone.
Myretta and Keptella (double planets)
A sparsely populated planet, Dalarune primarily serves as a retreat for those who need a break from their hectic lives. The largest and most well known retreat facility is run by the Via. To ensure peace and tranquility, those who come to the retreat are not to be contacted under any circumstances.
Nicknamed "The Orphan Planet," Ibara is the home of numerous orphanages, schools, and organizations that care for underprivileged children. Most, but not all, of these organizations are faith-based, run by the Via.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
A relatively well-to-do star system, Anven's lax tax and labor laws make it a haven for corporations. Many companies headquartered on Kydera Major are incorporated in the Anven system. The planets in the Anven system are, in order of orbit:
Fragan is best known of the Anven planets due to the large number of powerful organizations with offices there. Because these offices have top notch security, Fragan was nicknamed "the Hard Planet" by the Netcrew called Citizen Zero due to the difficulties they encounter when trying to hack into the organizations' systems. Fragan is home to the Blue Diamond Technology Corporation's base of operations.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
A relatively well-to-do star system, Anven's lax tax and labor laws make it a haven for corporations. Many companies headquartered on Kydera Major are incorporated in the Anven system. The planets in the Anven system are, in order of orbit:
Fragan is best known of the Anven planets due to the large number of powerful organizations with offices there. Because these offices have top notch security, Fragan was nicknamed "the Hard Planet" by the Netcrew called Citizen Zero due to the difficulties they encounter when trying to hack into the organizations' systems. Fragan is home to the Blue Diamond Technology Corporation's base of operations.
Classification: Planet
Affiliation: Fringe
Aurudise-3 is the only life-supporting planet in the remote Aurudisian system. The planet was so barren that most of its inhabitants left at their first chance, and only the most desperate of refugees and fugitives willingly settled there. The IC eventually sent a number of transports to Aurudise-3 on a humanitarian mission to evacuate the remaining inhabitants after systematic shutdowns and malfunctions in the planet's shoddy infrastructure made survival all but impossible.
Classification: Planet
Affiliation: Fringe
Aurudise-3 is the only life-supporting planet in the remote Aurudisian system. The planet was so barren that most of its inhabitants left at their first chance, and only the most desperate of refugees and fugitives willingly settled there. The IC eventually sent a number of transports to Aurudise-3 on a humanitarian mission to evacuate the remaining inhabitants after systematic shutdowns and malfunctions in the planet's shoddy infrastructure made survival all but impossible.
Travan Float
Classification: Space habitat
Affiliation: Fringe
A city-sized space habitat on the edge of a Fringe system. Travan Float, run by a crime boss known as Madam Wrath, is a dangerous cesspool of illegal activities.
Classification: Space habitat
Affiliation: Fringe
A city-sized space habitat on the edge of a Fringe system. Travan Float, run by a crime boss known as Madam Wrath, is a dangerous cesspool of illegal activities.
Classification: Planet
Affiliation: Fringe
A barren Fringe planet that serves mostly as a way station for fugitives and criminals. The few settlements on this desert planet are populated by refugees and their descendents.
Classification: Planet
Affiliation: Fringe
A barren Fringe planet that serves mostly as a way station for fugitives and criminals. The few settlements on this desert planet are populated by refugees and their descendents.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
The Wiosper system is home to some of the IC's wealthiest individuals. Although it has a relatively small population, its citizens wield considerable financial and political clout throughout the galaxy. An oligarchy relying mostly on a remote or robotic labor force for menial work, the Wiosper system is known as a sanctuary for the rich and powerful. Most of the nation is run by the individuals who own large swaths of property, loosely united under a centralized government that largely bows to the wishes of these individuals. The two inhabitable planets in the star system are Shimshawhenn and Harir.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Interstellar Confederation
The Wiosper system is home to some of the IC's wealthiest individuals. Although it has a relatively small population, its citizens wield considerable financial and political clout throughout the galaxy. An oligarchy relying mostly on a remote or robotic labor force for menial work, the Wiosper system is known as a sanctuary for the rich and powerful. Most of the nation is run by the individuals who own large swaths of property, loosely united under a centralized government that largely bows to the wishes of these individuals. The two inhabitable planets in the star system are Shimshawhenn and Harir.
Zim'ska Re
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Fringe
Renowned for the stunning natural beauty of its five inhabitable planets, Zim'ska Re is a lawless, dangerous part of the galaxy whose factions are always at war with one another. The two more populous planets, Mor'sei and Nem, are home to powerful crime syndicates who often battle over territory. The other three life-supporting planets, Fuy Lae and the twin planets Yim Radel and C'tui, are mostly uninhabited.
Classification: Star system
Affiliation: Fringe
Renowned for the stunning natural beauty of its five inhabitable planets, Zim'ska Re is a lawless, dangerous part of the galaxy whose factions are always at war with one another. The two more populous planets, Mor'sei and Nem, are home to powerful crime syndicates who often battle over territory. The other three life-supporting planets, Fuy Lae and the twin planets Yim Radel and C'tui, are mostly uninhabited.