We want to encourage young girls to become tomorrow's scientists, engineers, programmers, and inventors.
And so we're putting together an anthology of young adult sci-fi stories about girls and gadgets, depicting teen girls as hackers, mechanics, and more. The title? Brave New Girls. All proceeds will go to a scholarship fund for girls going into science and engineering, which we're establishing in partnership with the Society of Women Engineers.
Paige and I will be acting as acquisitions editors and publishers for the anthology, and while we'll each be contributing a story (mine will be about a teenaged Jane Colt), we'd like to publish the works of other authors as well. So if you or anyone you know have a tale about young women and technology, we'd love to see it! We're also going to include illustrations in this anthology and are currently on the lookout for artists.
This summer, we're going to run a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for the costs of production - editing, formatting, cover art, and all the other nuts and bolts of getting a book made. Submissions are open until November 15, and we're aiming to publish the book by Summer 2015.
I'm crazy excited about this project. Not just because I get to crack my knuckles and work on a book's behind-the-scenes, but because I really believe in the message we're hoping to send. And if our little project helps just one kid attend the physics camp she's always dreamed of, I'll be over the moon.
So check out our new website, spread the word, and stay tuned for more!